Remote learning will keep Stars Foundation students shining
Forget classrooms and chalkboards, schools across the country are adapting to a whole new way of learning.
Likewise, our community partner, The Stars Foundation, has been working hard to innovate its education and support programs through this time of change.
From online classes, providing academic resource packs, and even delivering food to isolated students — the Stars team are committed to ensuring they can continue working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and girls to improve health and education outcomes.
Last year, we donated $100,000 through Tatts NT unclaimed prize money to help support the Foundation’s important work. The success of their exceptional programs and the dedication of the students shone through in 2019. At the end of the year, over 90% of senior Stars students completed Year 12 and had further access to support during the critical transition to further study or employment.
While resilience has always been an important value for the Foundation, they are leading by example in adjusting to the new challenges currently facing students and educators.
The Program Teams have been working closely with school leadership and are ready to move to an alternative delivery platform at the beginning of Term 2. The support that Stars will provide in communicating, connecting and engaging with girls and their families over the next months is more important than ever.
Stars Foundation Founder & CEO Andrea Goddard said they were well placed to make the necessary changes.
“Strong and trusting relationships are at the heart of the Stars program,” she said.
“The strength of these relationships is what now places us in the best possible position to provide meaningful support to First Nations girls and young women in our programs during these uncertain times.”
While students and teachers will take a well-deserved break over the upcoming Easter holidays, it’s encouraging to see the great work of the foundation will continue in the next school term and we look forward to the future success of the Stars students.