An Edwardstown couple had a lunch date to remember today after winning a Keno Spot 8 prize of $50,000 in draw 2365150 on Friday 4 May 2018.

Speaking to an SA Lotteries official this afternoon to claim their prize, the happy couple described the moment they discovered their win while enjoying a casual Friday lunch.

“We were out for lunch and my husband saw on the screens that someone had won $50,000 on Keno from a Castle Plaza Lotteries  Kiosk entry and he said to me ‘did you put a Keno on there?’,” the winning woman explained.

“I knew that I had put one on there  but I wasn’t sure if that was the right draw so I went into the Keno counter and it said ‘claim prize’ so I went back out shaking saying ‘I’ve won it!’.  

“I put Keno on occasionally and check it later and I do watch it sometimes but we didn’t see these ones come up for this draw.  

“If my husband hadn’t seen it on the screen we wouldn’t have known we had won for a while!”  

When asked how the winners planned to spend their Keno Spot 8 windfall they revealed while they had to let the news sink in, some ideas were beginning to emerge.

“We don’t know what to do with it yet, we’ve got a few things to do around the house,” the husband said.

“Can’t believe it until it’s on the bank I think!

“We were out to eat but when we saw that we had to claim a prize we didn’t eat we were too excited. A nice dinner tonight to celebrate will be good!”  

The winning Spot 8 entry was purchased at Castle Plaza Lotteries Kiosk, Southern Kiosk, Castle Plaza, 1000 South Road, Edwardstown.  

Cheryl Cook, manager of Castle Plaza Lotteries Kiosk, said she was thrilled they had sold another Keno Spot 8 prize.

“It’s just fantastic news! We sold another Keno Spot 8 in December of last year so it’s great to hear we’ve sold another one!” she exclaimed.

“We were hoping it was one of our local customers so that is just lovely!

“We wish them all the best with their win!”

Last financial year, there were 27 Keno Spot 8, 9 and 10 winners across South Australia who landed more than $5.98 million.  Spot 10 was won twice during this time, remarkably both on the same day, 1 May 2017.