A Logan man is on the hunt for a new home after winning division one in the weekend’s Saturday Gold Lotto draw. 

The Queenslander held one of the nine division one winning entries nationally in Saturday Gold Lotto draw 3969 on Saturday 3 August 2019, with each entry taking home a division one prize of $446,898.09. 

Confirming his prize with us this afternoon, the winner revealed the exciting news was still sinking in. 

“Thank you,” he said. 

“It’s a nice sum of money. It will help, that’s for sure. 

“I checked my entry online yesterday morning and that’s when I realised I’d won division one.

“I couldn’t believe it!” 

The regular player shared his windfall would give him the freedom to upgrade his home. 

“I’m going to pay some bills to start with,” he said. 

“I might even put down a deposit on a house!” 

The man, who wishes to remain anonymous, purchased his winning entry at Gatton News Gifts & Stationery, Shop 6 Railway Street, Gatton. 

Gatton News Gifts & Stationery owner Darryl Spicer said he was ecstatic to have sold another division one winning entry. 

“This is the second division one winning entry we’ve sold just this year!” he exclaimed. 

“Gatton has been a very lucky region lately. In April one of our customers won division one in Wednesday Gold Lotto. 

“All our regular customers today were hoping to be the winner but everyone is very happy for this man. 

“Congratulations to him and we hope he enjoys spending his windfall!”