We have no doubt players all over the country have been finding themselves daydreaming of how they’d spend their $50 million Oz Lotto prize, should they take home division one on Tuesday night.

Would you snap up a private island? Or would a lush property in the country be the answer to all your dreams?

If your phone starts ringing after Tuesday night’s draw and it’s us, have your bucket list ready, you could have 50 million reasons to celebrate!

Oz Lotto has been jackpotting for six weeks and Tuesday’s $50 million jackpot is the highest we’ve seen the game soar so far in 2019.

In January, we had the pleasure of crowning Oz Lotto’s first 2019 multi-millionaire. It took a few days for the Bathurst couple to realise they had the $20 million winning entry sitting at home. But a ‘funny feeling’ eventually prompted the pair to check their ticket, and it’s safe to say they were in total disbelief when the news sunk in that $20 million would be landing in their bank account in no time! 

While Oz Lotto is a game of chance and every number has an equal chance of being drawn, we thought we would share some insights into winning numbers ahead of this mind-blowing draw. You’ll need all seven numbers drawn to take home division one.

Here at the Lott we’ve been crunching the data and we’re excited to reveal the numbers that have popped up more often than others. 

Since October 2005, we’ve seen the following numbers drawn most frequently, making them the ‘hottest’ Oz Lotto numbers:

  • 33
  • 7
  • 25
  • 19
  • 27

There’s been a few numbers that have been a bit shy over the past 14 years, but Tuesday night may be their time to shine. The following numbers are considered the ‘coldest’ Oz Lotto numbers haven’t appeared so frequently:

  • 10
  • 42
  • 24
  • 18
  • 30

Only time will tell if the ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ numbers live up to their reputation! Will these numbers impact how you choose your entry?

Stand by your phones after Tuesday night’s draw, we might be calling you with news you’re a multi-millionaire!