A Seaford man has confessed he was too afraid to sleep last night in case his $2.6 million Oz Lotto win was a dream. 

He held the only division one winning entry across Australia in Oz Lotto draw 1452, drawn Tuesday 14 December 2021, and walked away with an incredible $2,618,060.50. 

Confirming the news with us this morning, the Adelaide man described his win as mind-boggling.

“I’ve been sitting here with The Lott app open, waiting for your call,” he laughed. 

“I checked my account last night and discovered I’d won. I never usually check it straight after the draw, but I just had this weird feeling. 

“I thought I might have won $20. I never in a million years thought I’d win $2 million! 

“When I saw it, I screamed, ‘Oh Jesus!’. I felt like I was dreaming. 

“My family came running to see what was wrong and that’s when I told them. They couldn’t believe it! We checked the ticket so many times. 

“I had a very sleepless night last night. I think I kept the whole house up. I kept checking my account to see if it was real. 

“I was worried it was just a dream, so I am so glad you’ve called to confirm this. 

“We’ll have to go and do something special today, now that we know we really are multi-millionaires!”

The sleepy but excited winner declared the win had brought forward his retirement plans retirement. 

“We’ve both been talking about retiring for years, so that’s what we’ll do first,” he shared. 

“We’ll pretty much retire immediately, which is just incredible. It’s a dream come true! 

“The kids will get looked after as well, and we’re going to do some renovations on the house.” 

The new multi-millionaire, who wishes to remain anonymous, purchased his life-changing entry online at thelott.com – the official home of Australia’s lotteries.