They say good things come in threes and that was certainly the case this week when a trio of winners scored division one in Monday night’s Set for Life draw. They’ll each take home $20,000 every month for the next twenty years! 

Catch up on their stories and other winning highlights below: 

“This feels like a dream!”: Thomastown woman blown away by Set for Life win

Running on pure excitement and very little sleep, a Thomastown woman was the first to discover her life-changing win.

“I was circling my numbers, and then I realised I had circled them all,” she told us.

“I screamed ‘Oh my god! I’ve won!’”

As we were talking the winning woman through the process to claim her $4.8 million annuity prize, she admitted she was already one step ahead of us. 

“You know, I have a stash of your prize claim forms right beside my bed because I always had a feeling I was going to win division one! Now it’s happened, it feels insane.”

Liverpool dad left speechless by Set for Life win

Our second Set for Life winner was a Liverpool man who struggled to put a sentence together when we confirmed the exciting news. 

“I don’t need to work anymore,” he laughed eventually. 

“I can’t say how I feel. I can’t put it into words.”

The generous dad revealed his prize would do big things for his big family and he was looking forward to some future holidays and being mortgage-free. 

Unusual numbers theory yields Melbourne man Set for Life win

A Melbourne pensioner completed our trifecta of Set for Life winners, revealing he checked his numbers both on The Lott app and in-store before he started to believe his win was real. 

The regular player explained the unique way he chose his winning numbers.

“Last time the big Powerball jackpot was won I had a look at the numbers and thought to myself ‘those must be winning numbers’ and decided to play those from now on.

“When I saw the winning numbers in Set for Life – I didn’t believe it!”

His win means there are now a total of 69 Australians who are Set for Life. 

Weekly dinner serves up a tasty $1.6 million TattsLotto win for seven Tassie friends

Among our other winners this week was a syndicate of Tassie friends who will be looking forward to an extra special weekly dinner after they scored $1.6 million in the weekend’s TattsLotto draw. 

“We’ve been meeting for dinner once a week for the past five years, and every fortnight we put in $5 each and take turns buying the ticket,” the syndicate leader explained. 

“It’s an amazing feeling to be able to share this win with them.

"This week’s dinner will be a bit different, that’s for sure! We’ll have to buy a bottle of champagne to celebrate!”

Day for Daniel takes step towards safer communities

Today is Day for Daniel — a national day of action that honours the memory of Daniel Morcombe and raises awareness about child safety, protection, and harm prevention.

Bruce and Denise Morcombe along with thousands of other parents, carers, educators, and community groups are dedicating today to teaching children important personal safety lessons.

In Queensland’s Sunshine Coast they completed the Walk for Daniel taking the 4km journey Daniel never got to complete.

There’s still time to get involved. Wear read. Educate. Donate. Find out more here.