Only four people in Australia know what it’s like to hold a division one winning entry of $100 million or more. But there’s the chance to add to that tally with Powerball serving up $100 million on Thursday night!

This is one draw you don’t want to miss, so make sure you have your entry before draw close, 7:30pm AEST on 16 May 2024. And remember to register your entry to a player card or online account. That way we can call you immediately after the draw if you win the jackpot.

We’d love to hear your winning reaction, just like our previous winners who’ve pocketed $100 million or more. Check out how each of them experienced that life-changing moment.  

First reaction

Whether they checked their ticket themselves, or heard it from us directly after the Powerball draw, all four of our winners were absolutely stunned in that initial moment when their nine-digit-prize was confirmed.

Singleton woman

“It's a lot of money. A lot of money to fathom!”

Brisbane woman

“This feels like a dream, and I just need to wake up!”

Western Sydney man

“Wait a second! Wait a second. Have you got the right person?”

Sydney nurse

“I don’t understand what is going on!”

Sharing the news

That winning excitement multiplies when there’s a special person to share it with! While many Powerball winners like to keep their news private, there’s often a loved one nearby to help them process their world turning upside down.

Singleton woman

“My partner is here with me now. He’s a bit in shock. He loves his job, so I don’t know if he’ll be retiring.

Brisbane woman

“I immediately hopped into my car, held onto the ticket for dear life and called my dad for some advice.”

Western Sydney man

“I’m with my wife right now. She’s in shock. We’re going to struggle to sleep tonight.”

Sydney nurse

“I’ll be sharing it with my family. I thought of my family when I purchased the ticket!”

How they plan to use their prize

A Powerball prize truly means limitless possibilities and all four of our winners have happily had to contemplate what they’ll do with their newfound freedom.

Singleton woman

“Well, I absolutely won’t be working anymore! I mean, honestly, do I really need to?! It’s going to help our children immensely.”

Brisbane woman

“I really want to change the course of direction with my career, and it was the reason why I bought the ticket in the first place. At the end of the day, money will not change who I am.”

Western Sydney man

“I will continue to work. But I need to process this a bit more. Maybe I won’t in the future!”

Sydney nurse

“I’m a healthcare professional but I won’t be retiring! I’m so passionate about my job. I’ll be giving my favourite charity some money! They’ll get a whole slab of money!”

We never quite know how the winning numbers will roll or if more than one person will have those winning numbers on Thursday night. Perhaps multiple winning entries will share the $100 million prize, as was the case in December 2022.

Whatever happens, it’s bound to be a thrilling draw. Good luck, Australia!