From the electrifying $150 million Powerball jackpot to the Weekday Windfall game debut, this week’s winners reminded us of the endless potential a lottery win can hold. Here are some of our highlights:

Sleepless night for Adelaide man after $150 million Powerball revelation

Australia’s biggest lottery winner has been found with an Adelaide man contacting us this morning with his winning Powerball ticket worth $150 million! 

“I can’t believe it. I’m the mystery winner! I’m Australia’s biggest lottery winner ever?!" he exclaimed.

“I’ve never screamed so loud or jumped so high! 

“This was late last night and I still haven’t slept. I’ve just kept checking the ticket! 

“I know it may sound crazy but I’m going to continue working. I’m at work today." 

Read his full story here.

First ever Weekday Windfall winner bewildered by $1 million bounty 

A Bundaberg man was too stunned to speak when discovering his newly minted millionaire status. The Wide Bay-Burnett local held one of the two division one winning entries on Monday night. 

“I don’t know what to say but I know I’m feeling pretty damn good,” he cheered.

“I found out about the win earlier this morning and I showed my wife and we just thought, ‘Right! What do we do with ourselves now?’.

“I could buy a new car, a new house- all of the above!”

Baxter man takes out $2.5 million Tattslotto prize

A Baxter resident has confessed he almost gave up on his special set of numbers last week but decided to give them one last try in the weekend’s TattsLotto draw where he won a $2.5 million prize. 

“It’s unbelievable! I just can’t believe it,” he exclaimed. 

“I’ve been playing for a while. These were numbers I’ve been using for years. 

“This just stops me from worrying about having to go back to work and enjoying my retirement. There’s also family members who are struggling and I’ll be able to help them.”

Port Stephans man skips toward the Aussie dream

A Port Stephens man is looking forward to buying his first house thanks to his $200,000 Lucky Lotteries win!

“I don’t normally play Lucky Lotteries, but I have dabbled in the past. I had something left over in my account, so I thought I’d grab a ticket,” he revealed.

“You’ve made our year. This is a deposit on a house. This will get us what we need and get us out of the rental trap.

“We’ve had a shortlist of dream homes, but never thought we’d get there. Now we can!”

What a huge week! We look forward to sharing more winning news with you next week. Who knows we might just be calling your number next!